Mouth pain can be very debilitating and can make it difficult to concentrate on anything. For those who are affected by mouth pain, a visit to the dentist can provide an immediate solution. A dentist who offers mouth pain treatment will first diagnose the cause of the pain. It could be from a variety of different causes including a nerve, a broken tooth, bacteria, or decay. Once the cause of the issue has been uncovered, the next step is to explore issues to resolve the mouth pain.
A cold compress
A visit to the emergency room is the best way to deal with mouth pain. However sometimes this is not always possible or convenient. When you can’t get to the dentist yet, it is best to resolve the mouth pain with a cold compress. The cold compress can work to numb the nerve that is throbbing which provides a small amount of relief from the problem. By holding the cold compress to the mouth for small increments of time, you can end up feeling better.
Over The Counter Pain Medication
If the emergency dentist is not available to help, resolving the mouth pain can be accomplished with over the counter medications. However many people don’t want to use this option because they want to remedy the cause of the pain once and for all. If it isn’t possible to get to the dentist right away, OTC medication is an option for short term relief.
Saltwater Rinse
In addition to over the counter medication and a cold compress, one can also benefit by using a saltwater rinse. It may also help to floss around the affected tooth to remove any food particles that have become lodged there.
Although mouth pain can be a frustrating thing to live with, ultimately you can enjoy an improved state of dental health by following these tips and also by visiting the dentist.
At Ala Moana Dental Group, patients receive top quality dental care services.