Helpful Information About Dental Crowns in Toronto

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Dentistry

Many dental patients suffer from dental problems such as cracked or fractured teeth. To improve the chances of saving these teeth, a dental patient can get a crown. These restorative devices help prevent the need for tooth extractions and dentures. The following will offer more details about Dental Crowns in Toronto. Understanding the basics of this restorative device will enable a patient to decide if it’s the best course of treatment.

A dental crown is a man-made cover that protects the lower portion of a tooth. Most dental insurance policies cover this restorative device at anywhere from 50% to 80%. Other insurance companies don’t cover Dental Crowns Toronto or pay the cost of these devices at 100%. Dental patients get these prosthetic tooth replacements for a myriad of reasons. A dental crown can replace a cracked or fractured tooth. It can also replace another weak dental crown. A dental crown is often used to keep a fragile tooth from breaking. Installation of a dental crown is routinely done after a patient has had a root canal or other dental procedure. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes to have whiter, brighter teeth.

Getting a dental crown takes about two office visits with about three weeks in between the two visits. A dentist will first give a patient a local anesthetic. Then, the tooth that will receive a crown will be shaped and reduced for a crown to be secured to it. An impression of the tooth and adjacent teeth will be made and sent to a laboratory. A temporary crown may be used in the meantime to protect a tooth from damage. Once the dental crown is sent to the dentist, it will be fitted and altered when necessary. The dental crown will then be cemented to the patient’s tooth.

Any alterations to the dental crown should be made before attaching it to the tooth. However, adjustments can be made at any time it’s in a person’s mouth. Using this restorative device can help save a tooth and prevent the loss of dental structure. For more information on a dental implant, please read more here on the website. This practice can handle numerous services including fillings, crowns, and whitening.

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